
Legal Juice


You Offered What For Those McNuggets?

What would you do for some nuggies? Definitely not what a California woman was willing to do, as reported by Khadijah Baseer of Los Angeles was seen opening customers’ car doors in the McDonald’s drive through at 1700 block of Olive Avenue about 11 p.m. Wednesday, according to the…


Oh No You Didn’t Just Jack That Barbie Power Wheel Jeep

You did. You just jacked that little girl’s Barbiemobile. Curse you! As reported by Florida’s A Crestview woman was arrested recently after city police determined she had slipped an acquaintances granddaughter’s Barbie Power Wheel Jeep into her car, on the advice of her boyfriend. The boyfriend then sold the…


You Are Not Keeping That Guy In Jail For Chalking The Sidewalk!

Just to be clear, we’re talking about using chalk to write on the sidewalk. In Orlando, that can land you in jail. Really. Just ask Timothy Osmar. As reported by The Orlando Sentinel: Just before Christmas, OPD [Orlando Police Department] arrested 25-year-old Timothy Osmar for “writing or painting advertising matter…

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