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Chickens Make The Ultimate Sacrifice For The Team


Who knew chickens were so into baseball? Some Texas chickens paid the ultimate price just to try to help their team. As reported by The Houston Chronicle:

Fort Worth area police are investigating whether two prep baseball players sacrificed chickens in a bid to improve their games.

Apparently practicing more didn’t occur to them?

Western Hills High School baseball coach Bobby McIntire says he has not had a chance to talk to the students about why they did it.

McIntire on Wednesday told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram that “baseball is very superstitious” and the idea possibly came from movies.

Any repercussions for the players?

School officials say the boys have been kicked off the team.

Fort Worth Independent School District spokesman Clint Bond says an incident happened during spring break. Bond did not know how many chickens allegedly were killed. He declined to say how the two students were punished.

If you are wondering how Western Hills is doing this season …

[they] beat Southwest High School 11-1. Western Hills is 7-15 overall.

Run chickens, run!

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