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Aussie TV – Raining F-Bombs? C-Bombs?

Can you say that on TV in Australia? Hell yes. Chef Gordon Ramsay, of “Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares” in Australia (and “Hell’s Kitchen” in the U.S.) drops some serious f-bombs. Per The Daily Telegraph,

… celebrity chef Ramsay slipp[ed] in the f-word more than 80 times in one episode.

Shazam! Should the government get involved?

[Australian] Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi said the dropping of the “c-bomb” during a recent 9.30pm episode had gone too far.

Do not mess with a man with a bunch of knives, or the network that broadcasts his show.

Channel 9 hit back yesterday, saying 1.5 million viewers would know better than “one person in Parliament” about what they wanted to watch on TV.

So what does Senator Bernardi want? ” … a study of the effectiveness of the broadcasting code of conduct.” Good luck with that, considering chef Ramsay’s other program “The F-Word,” was reviewed by the Australian Office of Film and Literature Classification, and received just an “M” for moderate coarse language. For more, click here.

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