Ethel Schaper, age 87, loved to read. Up until she died a couple weeks ago from a stroke, she read about 2 books every week. When Camilla Trinchieri was going through her mom’s things, she found a book her mom had checked out of the library. So Ms. Trinchieri took the book back to the library, and the librarian said that she owed 50 cents! Said Ms. Trinchieri:
I told him that maybe he didn’t hear me right, that my mother had just died, otherwise I’m sure that she would have returned it on time.His only reply was that, ‘That will be 50 cents.’
Damn! So what did Ms. Trinchieri do? She paid the 50 cents.
Surely, upon learning about this, the powers that be would apologize? Nope. The response from the Harrison Public Libary: incident confirmed, no further comment. Before you foreswear ever going to the Harrison Public Library again, know that there is at least one beating heart there. A few days after the incident, an employee of the library called Ms. Trinchieri to apologize, and offered to return the 50 cents.