Squeezed on:

Mess With The Baby Bull, Get The Mom’s Horns


Mess with this lady’s kid, and you may be looking at the back of her hand – coming at your face. As seen above, as reported by nbcmiami.com:

A Broward County mother is accused of being a school bus bully after she took justice into her own hands and confronted a child who hit her kid.

Toccara Daniels, 27, was arrested Tuesday and charged with burglary with assault or battery and child abuse without great harm.

Police say Daniels became irate when her young daughter told her another kid had hit him. The children are ages 6 and 7.

“Irate” about sums it up.

Daniels knocked on the bus door and the driver opened it, telling her she wasn’t allowed on, but she ignored the driver.

As evident in the video, the mad momma charged onto the school bus, had her daughter point out the boy who hit her. She then smacked the kid in the mouth with the back of her hand and told him, “don’t touch my child.”

As she she walked back to the front of the bus, the bus driver is heard telling her that she isn’t allowed on the bus, to which she replied, “I don’t give a f[uc]k.” The driver closed the bus doors and initially wouldn’t let her out.

As you might imagine, she wasn’t pleased, but she regrouped…

“Let me off this f[uck]in’ bus,” she can be heard saying. Eventually, she changes her tone, apologizes and the driver lets her off.

Click here for the source.