
Legal Juice


No Judgment Passed On Weed Or Booze, But Ingesting Some Man-Made Chemical Hallucinogen?

Some people drink. Some people smoke weed. Many folks do both. And then there are those folks who ingest man-made substances of uncertain origins, be it ecstasy, LSD, bath salts or whatever. This The Juice has never understood, because [per The Belleville News-Democrat] something like this can happen to you:…


Aw, Watching The Big Fight With Your Brother-In-Law. How … Um, Never Mind

Sure sounds like a good idea – getting together with your brother-in-law to watch the big fight. From the idea stage to the actual event, things went downhill, as you’ll see from this entry in The Colorado Springs Police Department Blotter: Incident Date: September 15, 2013 Time:1:25:00 AM Division: Stetson…

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