
Legal Juice


So You Think You Like Bicycles …

Don’t get me wrong. As a daily bicycle commuter, The Juice really likes bicycles, just not this much. Read this, from, and you’ll be clicking below to read the entire article. Östersund police are investigating whether there is any connection between the recent spate of masturbation bike attacks with…


Jail Time For Sex With Self?

Yup. As Miami Herald reporter Fred Grimm so artfully described it: Jenne, as sheriff and chief jailer in Broward County, has launched a crackdown on self-abusing miscreants. It’s no longer enough to warn hairy-palmed drooling deviants that self-indulgence risks stunted growth, blindness, sallow skin, slackened jaws, amnesia, shrunken testicles, impotence…

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