
Legal Juice


Stop That Man! He’s Giving Money Away!

There’s an old saying:”If it seems too good to be true, it is.” There’s another old saying: “There’s an exception to every rule.” Here’s an exception, as reported by Reuters: Standing in the aptly chosen “Frohsinnstrasse” (“Cheerfulness Street”) in the town of Aschaffenburg, the unnamed pensioner wore a sign around…


If The Sleeping Pills Don’t Kill Me, Please Hit Me On The Head With A Pole – And Here’s $5k For Your Troubles

In this case from Australia, two 20-year-old men, Robert Karaca and Jarred Royce Price, were charged with attempted murder. Their “victim” was a 32-year-old friend of theirs named Bruce Levin, who was intent on killing himself, and convinced them to help. Levin spoke of overdosing on sleeping tablets. If that…

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