
The Internet Is Awesome, But It’s No Substitute For A Hospital!

Nobody can argue that the internet has dramatically changed the world. Some folks, though, turn to it when they ought to just do things the old-fashioned way. For example, there’s this woman in Santa Fe, Texas, as reported by …

Police in Santa Fe in Southeast Texas say the mother of a 14-year-old boy who was shot in the leg in a videotaped incident didn’t seek help for her injured son for seven hours while researching gunshot wounds online.

Say what?

Pete Jesse Rodriguez, 23, who was living at the family’s home, was jailed Thursday charged with injury to a child with intent to commit serious bodily injury, Santa Fe police said.

Capt. Wayne Kessler says the home’s security video shows Rodriguez playing with a gun Tuesday night, tracking the boy and firing.

And then …

Police say the mother and teenager checked before going to a hospital.

Really? Fortunately …

The boy was in stable condition Thursday.

Here’s the source.

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