
A Tooth Fetish? A “Beautiful Tongue?”

Choppers, choppers, choppers. Eric White, 42, of Edinburgh, Scotland, just can’t get enough of the pearlie whites. He roamed the city streets, telling women that he worked for a dental company, and wanted to photograph their teeth. And he didn’t just roam the streets in search of worthy teeth. In 2004, he drove alongside a woman, flashing his lights and beeping his horn to get her to pull over. As reported in The Scotsman:

When she did so, he told her about his work for a dental company, commented on her “beautiful teeth” and asked if he could photograph them for a dental magazine. She initially agreed, but became suspicious and left when he told her she had a “sexy mouth” and a “beautiful tongue”. He repeatedly approached her until she finally reported him to the police in March 2006 when he reappeared at her new home in Newtongrange.

Although he wasn’t prosecuted for that one, there were plenty of others. Mr. White was arrested for breach of the peace by placing three women in a state of fear and alarm. He pleaded guilty … You can read more by clicking here for The Scotsman article.

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