
This Man Should Be Banned From Owning Apple Products – For Life!

Even if you are long on Apple, should this man be found guilty, in addition to being placed on the sex offender registry, you’d have to agree that he should be banned from owning Apple products – forever! (And, of course, any other device capable of recording images.) As reported by

Isaac Gutierrez, of Houston, is charged with improper photograph/visual recording.


Investigators with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office said in an affidavit that Gutierrez allegedly placed an iPod in an air vent above a toilet stall in a women’s bathroom at the main office of an industrial manufacturing company located at the 14000 block of East Hardy, where he works.


Gutierrez’s co-worker said she discovered the iPod on Nov. 28 when she was the stall and saw the device in an air vent above her, the affidavit states. She retrieved the iPod and showed it to another female co-worker to see what had been recorded on the device.

The iPod had recorded the first woman in the stall and another co-worker changing from her work clothes into workout clothes, the affidavit states. They also saw that the iPod had recorded Gutierrez placing the device in the air vent.

Yes, he recorded himself committing the crime. That’s some pretty strong evidence right there.

The iPod was taken to the director of the Human Resources department, who notified police, the affidavit states. Gutierrez was released on bond Monday morning.

Here’s the source, including a mug shot.

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