
I Pity The Fool Who Sells Me Bad Beef Jerky

This story is wacky for 2 reasons: it involves a robbery due to some bad beef jerky, and the alleged robber works 2 doors down from the scene of the crime! As reported by The Cleveland Plain Dealer:

Police say a Cleveland barber got so upset by what he considered bad beef jerky that he returned to the store where he bought it and tried to rob the owner.

Police say the 28-year-old barber walked into the store where he bought the snack, just two doors down from his barbershop, and tried to rob the owner Thursday night.

The owner told the man he recognized him and chased him outside with a baseball bat.

The first police officer who arrived on the scene was also familiar with the barber because he cuts the officer’s hair.

Police arrested the man at his girlfriend’s house a few miles away.

The barber told police the stick of beef jerky he bought sickened him and his dog.

That’s exactly why I give it to my dog first … (I’m kidding! I don’t have a dog. Unfortunately, my cats don’t like beef jerky …)

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