
Free Food From Grocery Store On Easter Friday!?

Well, it wasn’t supposed to be free. In fact, the store wasn’t even supposed to be open. But when you rely on computers too much, well, here’s what can happen, as reported by

A security system computer glitch is being blamed for the doors opening and the lights coming on at a Hamilton supermarket, allowing a number of people to go in and help themselves to stock on Good Friday.

A very “good” Friday for those light-fingered folks …

The central city Pak ‘n Save was open for more than eight hours from 1am until someone rang police saying people were leaving the shop with “truckloads of groceries”, the Waikato Times reported.

How did this happen?

Owner Glenn Miller said he suspected the fault was linked to a command cancelling the normal opening time for the day. Usually the supermarket opens at 8am every day but the shop was meant to stay closed for Good Friday.

An embarrassed Mr Miller said he did not know how much stock was taken but he was delighted that 12 people had used the self-service tills to pay for items.

Wow. Delighted about 12 honest people? That is truly sad. If you want to read more (a fair amount) here’s the Waikato Times article.

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