
You’ll Never Look At Your Toothbrush The Same Way

It’s like natural law – you don’t have to write it down. It just is. Here’s the natural law in question: You don’t mess with someone’s toothbrush. Period. Tell it to Ms. Deborah Woist who, according to the police, definitely messed with HER SON’S toothbrush. As reported by The Morning Call:

Investigators say Deborah Woist, 52, decided on July 18 to tidy up a bathroom inside her Springtown Hill Road because it hadn’t been cleaned in two months. The problem, police said, is that she used her son’s toothbrush for the job and later returned it to its holder.


The son, 26-year-old Justin Novack, called police claiming his mother applied feces to his tooth brush.

Zoinks. The cops? Yup.

When police arrived at the home, Woist admitted she used the brush for cleaning and then put it back on the holder, police said.

The Juice gives her props for fessin’ up, though the cops clearly didn’t.

Woist was cited for harassment, police said.

So she ends up cleaning the bathroom and getting busted for her unorthodox methods. Harsh.

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