
Two-Year-Old Steals Video Games?

Yes, a 2-year-old girl left a Hollywood Video store in New York with more than $1,000 of video games in her stroller! Sure, some might argue I should also mention that, per the Albany Times Union,

Police said [the girl’s stepfather] Miguel Angel Rodriguez, 20, hid …[the] games in the stroller, then left the Hollywood Video store …

Not to worry, though, an intrepid store employee was on the case, following the gentleman into the parking lot.

Police said the employee took the games back, but Rodriguez refused to wait for police to arrive. Instead … he pushed the stroller into the nearby Wal-Mart where he tried to blend in with the crowd of last-minute Easter shoppers.


The video store employee followed Rodriguez into the Wal-Mart, talking to police on his cellphone as he guided them to the suspect, police said. Rodriguez was still holding onto the stroller when police said they arrested him in front of dozens of shoppers.

The charges? Attempted grand larceny and acting in a manner injurious to a child. Using a 2-year-old? Uncool. Very uncool.

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