
911 Operator: Not You Again!?

While everyone knows 911 is only for emergencies, not everyone respects this fact.  As reported by The Indiana Gazette:

State police said Travis J. Turner, 26, will be charged with obstructing emergency services in connection with an incident Sunday that occupied EMS responders while there was a real medical call elsewhere.

Turner was charged with similar crimes in December 2014 when first responders told state police that Turner had fled the scene after placing an emergency call, causing the Citizens’ Ambulance crew to spend time looking for him. The charges were later withdrawn.

Troopers said Turner placed a 911 call at 1:49 p.m. Sunday saying he was having chest pains and difficulty breathing at his residence along Oakland Avenue. Medics were dispatched from Citizens’ Ambulance, but when they arrived, they found Turner was not having medical issues, but merely wanted the medics to help him fix his air conditioning.

Meanwhile, police said, a legitimate medical call came in from Fortune Buffet at 475 South Ben Franklin Road, White Township, and Turner’s call “endangered the welfare of a true medical patient.”

Turner has placed 63 calls to the 911 center and state police barracks over the past three years for minor and harassing complaints “where no legitimate emergency existed,” police said.

63 calls in 3 years! Seriously, how is this guy not in jail, or at least doing a LOT of community service? Click here for the source.

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