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Emotional Distress Over Fly In Water

So, back in 2001, Canadian Waddah Mustapha saw a fly in a bottle of water THAT HE DID NOT DRINK FROM. Nevertheless, Mustapha claimed that he was so traumatized by the event that:

The fear of flies he developed killed his sex life.

He has nightmares about flies.

He lost his sense of humor.

Drinking coffee is difficult because it contains … WATER!

Getting in the shower makes him anxious.

fly.jpgOld Mr. Mustapha sued Culligan of Canada, who bottled the water, and ………. won! $341,775 (Canadian). Not so fast, though. Culligan appealed and won. But wait, Mustapha appealed and …. won! The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that Mustapha may appeal to have his damages reinstated. And if you’re thinking about the McDonald’s coffee case, that was REAL.

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